
Navigating the complex world of permits can be a daunting task, but with our specialized permit solutions, you can proceed with your projects with confidence, knowing that all regulatory hurdles are seamlessly managed. Our service is designed to ensure that your operations can move forward, free from restrictions and compliance concerns.

Whether your project involves road closures, pavement diversions, or any other type of access or usage permit, we’ve got you covered. Our extensive network and deep understanding of local regulations enable us to efficiently secure the right permits to fit the specific requirements of your jobs.

Our services include:

Road Closures

Managing road closures requires meticulous planning and an in-depth understanding of local regulations and community impact. Our road closure permit services are designed to address these challenges head-on, ensuring that your projects involving public thoroughfares proceed smoothly and with minimal disruption.

Traffic Management

Effective traffic management is crucial for minimizing disruptions and ensuring safety during projects that impact public roadways. Our traffic management solutions are designed to address the complexities of navigating vehicular and pedestrian traffic around construction sites, events, and any other scenarios that necessitate temporary rerouting or restrictions.

Pavement Diversions

Pavement diversions are a critical aspect of maintaining pedestrian safety and access during construction, utility work, or any project that impacts sidewalks and walkways. Our pavement diversion services are meticulously designed to ensure that pedestrian routes are clearly defined, safe, and compliant with all regulatory standards, minimizing disruption and maintaining accessibility.


Our fencing services are an essential component of ensuring safety, security, and compliance on project sites. From construction zones to event perimeters, our comprehensive fencing solutions are tailored to meet the specific needs of your job, ensuring that your site is well-protected, secure, and delineated according to regulatory and project requirements.




    Unfortunately, Resolve can only provide equipment hire to registered limited companies. We apologise for any inconvenience.

    "We strive for excellence rather than being just content with what we’re doing. We’re always looking to improve and move forward. It’s a really good place to work if you’re ambitious; if you’re willing to put in the effort, you’ll be rewarded for it."

    "Resolve is different from other companies I’ve worked for in that we’re given a lot more individual autonomy when it comes to doing what we feel is right for our customers. There’s a lot of trust placed in us. As well as a culture of helping each other out and striving to be the best."

    "We all really pride ourselves in doing top-quality work. When everyone shares that pride it makes life a lot easier because you can trust everyone around you. And know that everyone is working hard to do a really good job."

    "At Resolve we want to be the best out there and give our customers the best service — saving everyone time and money."